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- Comment entretenir et soigner vos pommiers et poiriers
W. della Giustina
Comment entretenir et soigner vos pommiers et poiriers
Guide complet pour apprendre à entretenir et soigner vos pommiers et poiriers.
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White Mischief
En anglais – Just before 3am on January 24th, 1941, when Britain was preoccupied with surviving the Blitz, the body of Josslyn Hay, Earl of Erroll, was discovered lying on the floor of his Buick, at a road intersection some miles outside Nairobi, with a bullet in his head. A leading figure in Kenya’s colonial community, he had recently been appointed Military Secretary, but he was primarily a seducer of other men’s wives. Sir Henry Delves Broughton, whose wife was Erroll’s current conquest, had an obvious motive for the murder, but no one was ever convicted and the question of who killed him became a classic mystery, a scandel and cause celebre. Among those who became fascinated with the Erroll case was Cyril Connolly. He joined up with James Fox for a major investigation of the case in 1969 for the SUNDAY TIMES magazine. After his death James Fox inherited the obsession and a commitment to continue in pursuit of the story both in England and Kenya in the late 1970s. One day, on a veranda overlooking the Indian Ocean, Fox came across a piece of evidence that seemed to bring all the fragments and pieces together and convinced him that he saw a complete picture.
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