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- Coronation
Paul Gallico
Imagine seeing the Queen that close as she goes by in her golden carriage! The kiddies will have something to tell their kiddies, won’t they? And a drink of real champagne to go with it! Coronation Day, 2 June 1953! A humble, working-class family from Sheffield is desperate to buy train tickets to London to see the coronation, but doing so means forsaking their annual seaside holiday. After some scrimping and saving, and a family meeting in which the enthusiasm of the children overrules the reluctance of their long-suffering mother and grandmother, the Clagg family take the plunge and buy premium, champagne tickets for the big day.
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L’Histoire secrète
La cagoule – Le front populaire – Vichy – Londres – Deuxieme bureau – L’Algerie Francaise – L’O.A.S.
Jean-Raymond Tournoux n’a pas son pareil pour nous révéler, avec une sûreté d’information et un brio d’écriture confondants, tous les dessous essentiels, à partir desquels l’histoire officielle se cristallise. Avec « L’Histoire secrète », c’est le secret de ceux qui se voulaient, par définition, les plus secrets d’entre tous, qu’il nous dévoile : ces mouvements clandestins d’extrême-droite, qui allaient réapparaître avec l’O.A.S. et la guerre d’Algérie, mais qui s’organisent déjà – en 1936 – avec la Cagoule. Le Maréchal Franchet d’Esperey, Deloncle, Loustaunau Lacau, Darnand, Laval, Darlan, sont les principaux héros, de cette Histoire parallèle, passionnante comme un roman noir et sans laquelle la vérité de notre époque ne saurait s’établir.
Adam Runaway
En Anglais – « It is 1721 and young Adam Hanaway, devastated by his father’s sudden death, leaves England to seek his fortune in Lisbon, where his uncle is a successful merchant. But almost nothing turns out as Adam planned. His family’s welcome is cool, and Adam’s rise to the top is thwarted by Bartolomeu Gomes, his uncle’s treacherous clerk. » « As Adam attempts to overcome these obstacles he is handicapped by a certain personal trait. Not, he insists, that he is a coward exactly, but he is inclined to boldly put himself in dangerous situations and then at the last minute run away from them – hence the nickname given to him by friends who had observed this failing once too often. » « While Adam’s mother and sisters wait in England for him to rescue them from poverty, Adam is preoccupied with more compelling women: the beautiful, older half-Portuguese lady Maria Beatriz Hutchinson; the spoiled, rich Gabriella Lowther; and his charming young cousin Nancy. But Adam commits a social faux pas so severe he forever ruins his chances for making a good match – yet no one dares tell him what he has done wrong! » « Adam certainly has a lot to learn. …
De quoi se tordre
J’abandonnai l’escalier d’incendie et bondis dans l’obscurité par la fenêtre ouverte. J’atterris sur un grand lit. Vince suivit et Anne, avec ses talons-aiguilles, sauta à son tour. Une femme poussa un hurlement déchirant. Un autre cri de femme lui répondit, tout près de moi. Ne vous frappez pas, mes petites dames. On ne fait que passer.