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- Culture and Society – 1780-1950
Raymond Williams
Culture and Society – 1780-1950
En Anglais – Acknowledged as perhaps the masterpiece of materialist criticism in the English language, this omnibus ranges over British literary history from George Eliot to George Orwell to inquire about the complex ways economic reality shapes the imagination.
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Adam Runaway
En Anglais – « It is 1721 and young Adam Hanaway, devastated by his father’s sudden death, leaves England to seek his fortune in Lisbon, where his uncle is a successful merchant. But almost nothing turns out as Adam planned. His family’s welcome is cool, and Adam’s rise to the top is thwarted by Bartolomeu Gomes, his uncle’s treacherous clerk. » « As Adam attempts to overcome these obstacles he is handicapped by a certain personal trait. Not, he insists, that he is a coward exactly, but he is inclined to boldly put himself in dangerous situations and then at the last minute run away from them – hence the nickname given to him by friends who had observed this failing once too often. » « While Adam’s mother and sisters wait in England for him to rescue them from poverty, Adam is preoccupied with more compelling women: the beautiful, older half-Portuguese lady Maria Beatriz Hutchinson; the spoiled, rich Gabriella Lowther; and his charming young cousin Nancy. But Adam commits a social faux pas so severe he forever ruins his chances for making a good match – yet no one dares tell him what he has done wrong! » « Adam certainly has a lot to learn. …
Le quart de nuit
» Dans le grand silence qui suivit, la mèche d’un cierge dont la flamme rougeoyait, grésilla. Tous -les marins, Mrs Linsell, Mrs Shane, les amants- fixaient intensément du regard le visage durci aux yeux ouverts de Warvick, qui cependant paraissait exprimer une torture intérieure comme si l’homme eût été en proie à un débat. Ils l’entendirent murmurer : – On ne sait plus. On ne saura jamais ».
The black country
En Anglais – When members of a prominent family disappear from a coal-mining village—and a human eyeball is discovered in a bird’s nest—the local constable sends for help from Scotland Yard’s new Murder Squad. Fresh off the grisly 1889 murders of The Yard, Inspector Walter Day and Sergeant Nevil Hammersmith respond, but they have no idea what they’re about to get into. The villagers have intense, intertwined histories. Everybody bears a secret. Superstitions abound. And the village itself is slowly sinking into the mines beneath it. Not even the arrival of forensics pioneer Dr. Bernard Kingsley seems to help. In fact, the more the three of them investigate, the more they realize they may never be allowed to leave . . . .
Les derniers rois de Thulé
Véritable trésor ethnologique, ce livre constitue d’abord une somme d’informations irremplaçable sur les Inuits du Groenland. Mais son succès international, jamais démenti au cours de ses multiples rééditions depuis 1951, tient aussi au talent de conteur de Malaurie qui sait immerger le lecteur, jusqu’au plus infime détail, avec une patience et un souci de vérité infinis, dans la vie de ce grand Nord mythique, de cette « Ultima Thulé » des anciens. Ce géographe et géologue de formation qui cite Rimbaud (« Quelle sorcière va se dresser sur le couchant blanc ? ») fait revivre dans un style alerte chasses au morse et à l’ours, festins de viande crue, soirées de fête dans la nuit polaire, grands raids en traîneaux par moins 60 °C sur la banquise et les glaciers, levers de soleil dans le blizzard, songes, légendes et séances de sorcellerie. Formidable leçon d’humanisme, ce chef-d’œuvre inclassable est également l’occasion d’une réflexion approfondie sur la fragilité d’un environnement et d’une culture menacés.