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- Missing since monday
Ann M. Martin
Missing since monday
This suspenseful story of a missing child and family secrets reinforces the importance of personal safety and honesty for readers ages 4 to 8. When Maggie’s parents leave home for a long overdue honeymoon, Maggie and her older brother must take care of little Courtney, their half-sister. Everything goes well for a few days until Courtie mysteriously disappears while on her way to school. Maggie calls the police, but then her stepmother calls to arrange a family dinner at a restaurant a few days later. Will they find Courtie in time? This heart-pounding mystery is a realistic portrayal of some of the difficulties children face when growing up in a modern society.
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En Anglais – The classic story of life in Apartheid South Africa. Mark Mathabane was weaned on devastating poverty and schooled in the cruel streets of South Africa’s most desperate ghetto, where bloody gang wars and midnight police raids were his rites of passage. Like every other child born in the hopelessness of apartheid, he learned to measure his life in days, not years. Yet Mark Mathabane, armed only with the courage of his family and a hard-won education, raised himself up from the squalor and humiliation to win a scholarship to an American university. This extraordinary memoir of life under apartheid is a triumph of the human spirit over hatred and unspeakable degradation. For Mark Mathabane did what no physically and psychologically battered « Kaffir » from the rat-infested alleys of Alexandra was supposed to do — he escaped to tell about it.
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Le KGB en France
« Farewell » : c’est le titre d’un dossier ultrasecret dont François Mitterrand prend connaissance un jour de juin 1981. Mais « Farewell » c’est avant tout le nom de code d’un très haut responsable du KGB qui est devenu l’un des espions les plus importants de ce siècle en passant au service de la Direction de la surveillance du territoire (DST). Grâce à « Farewell », la France a pu expulser quarante-sept « diplomates » soviétiques en 1983. Grâce à « Farewell », une centaine d’espions de Moscou ont été découverts dans le monde entier. Jamais ce secret explosif n’avait été révélé ! Thierry Wolton dresse ici le tableau stupéfiant et exhaustif des méthodes utilisées par les services de renseignements soviétiques, à travers des dizaines d’histoires vraies et des centaines d’anecdotes puisées aux meilleures sources.
Thumper’s little sisters
En Anglais – A Walt Disney beginning reader. (Fun-to-read library)