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- Pangolin
Peter Driscoll
Alan Pritchard has been a loser all his life. The opportunity to kidnap Rod Kiley, Southeast Asia’s chief CIA operative, provides his last opportunity to be some sort of success. Filled with venomous hatred for Kiley (code name: Pangolin), Pritchard goes to work on his plan. PANGOLIN is great suspense fiction. It also provides an inside look at the seamy side of life in Hong Kong and other parts of Southeast Asia. The reader feels the sticky heat of August in Kowloon and the awful crowding of the Hong Kong backstreets, riddled with drug traffic and prostitution. This panorama of packed humanity provides an excellent backdrop against which Pritchard and his men play out their desperate game.
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En Anglais McGahern began his career as a schoolteacher at Scoil Eoin Báiste (Belgrove) primary school in Clontarf, Ireland, where, for a period, he taught the eminent academic Declan Kiberd before turning to writing full-time. McGahern’s second novel ‘The Dark’ was banned in Ireland for its alleged pornographic content and implied clerical sexual abuse. In the controversy over this he was forced to resign his teaching post. He subsequently moved to England where he worked in a variety of jobs before returning to Ireland to live and work on a small farm in Fenagh in County Leitrim, located halfway between Ballinamore and Mohill. His third novel ‘Amongst Women’ was shortlisted for the 1990 Man Booker Prize.
He died from cancer in Dublin on March 30, 2006.
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