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- Road Rage
Ruth Rendell
Road Rage
The woods outside of Kingsmarkham were lovely, dark, and deep. And much of them were about to vanish forever when the new highway cut through.
While Chief Inspector Wexford privately despaired about the loss of his hiking grounds, local residents and outsiders were organizing a massive protest. Some of them may have been desperate enough to kidnap five hostages and threaten to kill them. One hostage was Wexford’s wife, Dora.
Now, combining high technology with his extraordinary detecting skills, Wexford and his team race to find the whereabouts of the kidnappers. Because someone has crossed from political belief to fanaticism, and as the first body is found, good intentions may become Wexford’s personal path to hell.
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Codice a zero
En italien – 29 gennaio 1958, Cape Canaveral: inizia il conto alla rovescia per il lancio del primo satellite americano, fervono attesa e i preparativi ma per qualche motivo l'evento verrà rimandato di due giorni. Come mai qualcuno cerca di ostacolare la riuscita di questa storica impresa? 29 gennaio 1958, Union Station, Washington: alba un uomo si sveglia in una toilette maschile vestito come un barbone; è intontito come se soffrisse per i postumi di una sbornia ed è privo di memoria. Come è finito lì? E chi è veramente ? ambiguo mondo delle spie, in piena guerra fredda, Follett ambienta una storia di suspence che ha come protagonista uno scienziato spaziale che tenta di ricostruire il puzzle della sua esistenza.
Marker, segnali d’allarme
En italien – New York, Manhattan General Hospital: persone sane e giovani, sottoposte a interventi di routine, muoiono ventiquattr’ore dopo l’operazione. La cosa insospettisce Laurie Montgomery, medico legale dell’ospedale. La dottoressa si getta a capofitto nell’indagine, anche se ostacolata da superiori e colleghi che pensano si tratti di pure coincidenze. Le morti però aumentano e Laurie è sempre più convinta che sia opera di un serial killer: tutte le vittime hanno infatti mappe genetiche simili. Che qualcuno abbia bisogno di materia su sui fare esperimenti? Il tempo scorre rapido ed è necessario trovare una soluzione all’enigma anche per salvare la vita alla stessa Laurie, che, positiva a un marker tumorale, scoprirà di avere un legame particolare con la vicenda…
Espèces protégées
Nous n’irons plus au bois », se lamente l’inspecteur Wexford en traversant la forêt de Framhurst, bientôt rasée pour construire une déviation. Mais les écologistes se mobilisent manifestent pour empêcher la disparition de la forêt et des espèces rares qui la peuplent. Alors qu’ils cherchent à protéger des terriers, ils découvrent le cadavre d’une jeune femme en état de décomposition avancée. L’enquête connaît un rebondissement inattendu lorsque la propre femme de l’inspecteur Wexford est mystérieusement enlevée. Comme toujours chez Rendel, le suspense magistralement orchestré se double d’une dimension sociologique, et Espèces protégées est aussi une belle réflexion sur les enjeux de l’écologie.
Thirteen steps down
From the multi-award-winning author of The Babes in the Wood and The Rottweiler, a chilling new novel about obsession, superstition, and violence, set in Rendell’s darkly atmospheric London.
Mix Cellini (which he pronounces with an ‘S’ rather than a ‘C’) is superstitious about the number 13. In musty old St. Blaise House, where he is the lodger, there are thirteen steps down to the landing below his rooms, which he keeps spick and span. His elderly landlady, Gwendolen Chawcer, was born in St. Blaise House, and lives her life almost exclusively through her library of books, so cannot see the decay and neglect around her.
The Notting Hill neighbourhood has changed radically over the last fifty years, and 10 Rillington Place, where the notorious John Christie committed a series of foul murders, has been torn down.
Mix is obsessed with the life of Christie and his small library is composed entirely of books on the subject. He has also developed a passion for a beautiful model who lives nearby — a woman who would not look at him twice.
Both landlady and lodger inhabit weird worlds of their own. But when reality intrudes into Mix’s life, a long pent-up violence explodes.