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- The proper Bostonians
Cleveland Amory
The proper Bostonians
En Anglais – A Chicago banking firm once asked a Boston investment house for references on a Beacon Hill scion. Promptly the Chicago bank was informed that the applicant descended from Cabots, Lowells, Saltonstalls – in short could not bo more acceptable. « We were not, » the Chicago firm replied curtly, « contemplating using Mr — for breeding purposes ….. That story is legendary, but basic to an understanding of Boston and the Proper Bostonian, for he is the charter member of a Society called the most exclusive in America. Clevaland Amory’s scintillating and devastating analysis of that Society is an established bestseller, a modern classic ….
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Adam Runaway
En Anglais – « It is 1721 and young Adam Hanaway, devastated by his father’s sudden death, leaves England to seek his fortune in Lisbon, where his uncle is a successful merchant. But almost nothing turns out as Adam planned. His family’s welcome is cool, and Adam’s rise to the top is thwarted by Bartolomeu Gomes, his uncle’s treacherous clerk. » « As Adam attempts to overcome these obstacles he is handicapped by a certain personal trait. Not, he insists, that he is a coward exactly, but he is inclined to boldly put himself in dangerous situations and then at the last minute run away from them – hence the nickname given to him by friends who had observed this failing once too often. » « While Adam’s mother and sisters wait in England for him to rescue them from poverty, Adam is preoccupied with more compelling women: the beautiful, older half-Portuguese lady Maria Beatriz Hutchinson; the spoiled, rich Gabriella Lowther; and his charming young cousin Nancy. But Adam commits a social faux pas so severe he forever ruins his chances for making a good match – yet no one dares tell him what he has done wrong! » « Adam certainly has a lot to learn. …
En italien – Un pugno di ragazzi a Edimburgo e dintorni: il sesso, lo sballo, la rabbia, il vuoto delle giornate. Sono i dannati di un modernissimo inferno « chimico », con la loro vita sfilacciata e senza scampo. Alla ricerca di un riscatto, di un senso da dare alla propria esistenza – che non sia il vicolo cieco fatto di casa, famiglia e impiego ordinario – trovano nella droga e nella violenza l’unica risposta possibile. Sboccato, indiavolato, travolgente: l’esordio di un talento letterario, il romanzo shock che ha fatto epoca e dato voce a una nuova generazione.
Marker, segnali d’allarme
En italien – New York, Manhattan General Hospital: persone sane e giovani, sottoposte a interventi di routine, muoiono ventiquattr’ore dopo l’operazione. La cosa insospettisce Laurie Montgomery, medico legale dell’ospedale. La dottoressa si getta a capofitto nell’indagine, anche se ostacolata da superiori e colleghi che pensano si tratti di pure coincidenze. Le morti però aumentano e Laurie è sempre più convinta che sia opera di un serial killer: tutte le vittime hanno infatti mappe genetiche simili. Che qualcuno abbia bisogno di materia su sui fare esperimenti? Il tempo scorre rapido ed è necessario trovare una soluzione all’enigma anche per salvare la vita alla stessa Laurie, che, positiva a un marker tumorale, scoprirà di avere un legame particolare con la vicenda…
The woman who walked into doors
En Anglais – Paula Spencer is a thirty-nine-year-old working-class woman struggling to reclaim her dignity after marriage to an abusive husband and a worsening drinking problem. Paula recalls her contented childhood, the audacity she learned as a teenager, the exhilaration of her romance with Charlo, and the marriage to him that left her feeling powerless. Capturing both her vulnerability and her strength, Roddy Doyle gives Paula a voice that is real and unforgettable