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- The universal Ustinov
Christopher Warwick
The universal Ustinov
En anglais – In his lifetime, Sir Peter Ustinov has been an actor, writer, dramatist and humorist, an unwilling soldier, a goodwill ambassador and a famous raconteur. But for all his talents, Ustinov is till a man of many contradictions ; a theatrical knight who claims to « hate showbusiness », a famous wit who often describes himself as « retiring » …
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Neither here nor there
En Anglais – Bill Bryson’s first travel book, The Lost Continent, was unanimously acclaimed as one of the funniest books in years. In Neither Here nor There he brings his unique brand of humour to bear on Europe as he shoulders his backpack, keeps a tight hold on his wallet, and journeys from Hammerfest, the northernmost town on the continent, to Istanbul on the cusp of Asia. Fluent in, oh, at least one language, he retraces his travels as a student twenty years before…Whether braving the homicidal motorist of Paris, being robbed by gypsies in Florence, attempting not to order tripe and eyeballs in a German restaurant, window-shopping in the sex shops of the Reeperbahn or disputing his hotel bill in Copenhagen, Bryson takes in the sights, dissects the culture and illuminates each place and person with his hilariously caustic observations. He even goes to Liechtenstein…
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Fortune de France 01 – Fortune de France
De la mort de François Ier en 1547 à l'édit de Nantes en 1599, la France s'enlise dans l'épreuve des guerres de religion. C'est dans ce pays dévasté, en proie à la misère, au brigandage, à la peste, à la haine, que grandit le jeune Pierre de Siorac, rejeton d'une noble famille périgourdine et huguenote, héros et narrateur du roman. Dès ce premier volume d'une saga qui nous conduira jusqu'à la fin du siècle, c'est toute une époque qui revit à travers l'histoire des Siorac, avec ses paysans, ses princes, ses hommes d'épée ou d'Église, ses truculences et ses cruautés; sa langue, aussi, savoureuse, colorée, merveilleusement restituée au lecteur d'aujourd'hui. Époque où peu à peu va naître une exigence de tolérance et de paix, en écho au cri d'indignation et d'espoir de Michel de l'Hospital : « Ne verra-t-on la Fortune de France relevée ? »
Bully for Brontosaurus, Reflections in natural history
En Anglais – « Provocative and delightfully discursive essays on natural history. . . . Gould is the Stan Musial of essay writing. He can work himself into a corkscrew of ideas and improbable allusions paragraph after paragraph and then, uncoiling, hit it with such power that his fans know they are experiencing the game of essay writing at its best. »–John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review