Harnessing peacocks
A compartmentalized life becomes entangled. Hebe listens in the darkness of the hall to a family conference. Her stern grandfather and the others are discussing Hebe’s unexpected pregnancy. The decision, unanimous, is that it be terminated. Hebe, dissenting, flees into the night. Twelve summers later she is living happily alone with her son in a seaside town where he is receiving an expensive education. Hebe has organized her life oddly but well. She has two chief talents in life — cooking and making love — and these she has exercised with dignity, in privacy and for profit. It is when separated strands of the web of Hebe’s life becomes entangled that the even tenor of her days is threatened, and her life changes.
It was just my luck to get bitten by a Redback. ‘There’s no such thing as luck’, Gunnar McMurphy used to say. ‘You chose to sit where you sat. A bite is a transaction between two parties – A biter and a biteree. You sat in wait for that spider with every bit as much purpose as he sat in wait for you.’ ‘It wasn’t a he – it was a she. Only the shes are venemous.’ Karl Leon Forelock, product of the Northern English town of Partington (the wettest spot in Europe) and a graduate with a double starred first in the Moral Decencies from Malapert College, Cambridge. Sent to Sydney on a CIA bursary, in order to teach the Australians how to live, Leon Forelock soon discovers that there are those amongst the native population who believe that they have an education to pass on in return. But it is at the hands of the women of Australia that Leon receives his most painful, and his most pleasurable lessons. Meanwhile, in a foul, dilapidated bush privy, way up in the Bogong High Plains, the Redback sucks her teeth and waits her turn…
Down Under
En anglais – As his many British fans already know, bearded Yankee butterball Bill Bryson specialises in going to countries we think we know well, only to return with travelogues that are surprisingly cynical and yet shockingly affectionate. It’s a unique style, possibly best suited to the world’s weirder destinations. It’s helpful here: Bryson’s latest subject is that oddest of continents, Australia. // For a start, there’s the oddly nasty fauna and flora. Barely a page of Down Under is without its lovingly detailed list of lethal antipodean critters: sociopathic jellyfish, homicidal crocs, toilet-dwelling death-spiders, murderous shrubs (yes, shrubs). Bryson’s absorbing and informative portrait is of a terrain so intractably vast, a land so climatically extreme, it seems expressly designed to daunt and torment humankind. // This very user-unfriendliness throws up another Aussie paradox. If the country is so hostile how come the natives are so laid back, so relaxed? As Bryson shuffles from state to state, he seeks the key to the uniquely cool Australian character and finds it in Australia’s tragicomic past, her genetic seeding of convicts, explorers, gold diggers, outlaws. This is a country of lads and mates, of boozy gamblers–nowadays mellowed by sunshine and sporting success. //
Down Under is a fine book. So it may not be quite as deliciously malicious as Bryson’s The Lost Continent, nor as laugh-out-loud funny as Neither Here Nor There. But so what? A Bill Bryson on cruise control is better than most travel writers on turbodrive. –Sean Thomas (less)
Skinny Dip
En Anglais – Marine biologist Chaz Perrone can’t tell a sea horse from a sawhorse. And when he throws his beautiful wife, Joey, off a cruise liner, he really should know better. An expert swimmer, Joey makes her way to a floating bale of Jamaican pot-and then to an island inhabited by an ex-cop named Mick Stranahan, whose ex-wives include five waitresses and a TV producer. Now Joey wants to get revenge on Chaz and Mick’s happy to help her.But in swampy South Florida, separating lies from truths and stupidity from brilliance isn’t easy. Especially when you’re after a guy like Chaz-who’s bad at murder, great at fraud, and just terrible at getting caught…
The choir
In the rustic town of Aldminster, a crisis looms. Funds are short and the cathedral is in need of major repair. Some hope to finance the work by abolishing the costly boy’s choir-while others are aghast at the idea. Drawn into the fray is Sally Ashworth, the lonely mother of a ten-year-old chorister. She is anchored only by her unexpected love for the brilliant choirmaster-and by her young son, whose melodic voice may be the only thing that can unite a divided community.
Marrying the Mistress
The court official leaned closer. / . »What’s gone past, » he said, « is not just an advocate, any old lady advocate. What’s gone past is his Honour’s totty. » … And what’s going past is the life of Guy Stockdale, a 62-year-old judge, who has been married forever, has two sons–Simon and Alan–and three grandchildren. For the past seven years, he’s also had a mistress. Merrion Palmer is intelligent, attractive, and half Guy’s age, which also makes her younger than both Simon and Alan. Her dad died when she was a toddler and she’s well aware that Guy is something of a father substitute. For years the role of mistress has suited her, but, suddenly, this style of relationship isn’t enough for either of them. They’ve both had enough of sneaking around and avoiding people, so Guy has momentously made up his mind to leave his wife, Laura, and marry Merrion….Marrying the Mistress dives into the shock waves that buffet the Stockdale family after Guy leaves Laura. The novel addresses the question of how his sons are going to cope, the explosive opinions of his forthright daughter-in-law Carrie and what his teenage grandchildren make of it all. Can any of them avoid taking sides? Should they? And what about the abandoned wife, Laura, a woman apparently so long-sufferingly self-sacrificing she makes Mother Teresa look selfish?