How to read literature like a professor
A thoroughly revised and expanded edition of Thomas C. Foster’s classic guide—a lively and entertaining introduction to literature and literary basics, including symbols, themes and contexts, that shows you how to make your everyday reading experience more rewarding and enjoyable. While many books can be enjoyed for their basic stories, there are often deeper literary meanings interwoven in these texts. How to Read Literature Like a Professor helps us to discover those hidden truths by looking at literature with the eyes—and the literary codes—of the ultimate professional reader, the college professor. What does it mean when a literary hero is traveling along a dusty road? When he hands a drink to his companion? When he’s drenched in a sudden rain shower? Ranging from major themes to literary models, narrative devices and form, Thomas C. Foster provides us with a broad overview of literature—a world where a road leads to a quest, a shared meal may signify a communion, and rain, whether cleansing or destructive, is never just a shower-and shows us how to make our reading experience more enriching, satisfying, and fun. This revised edition includes new chapters, a new preface and epilogue, and incorporates updated teaching points that Foster has developed over the past decade.
Empire of silver
… « Terrific. Simply. This is my all time fav book series. Easily. (well, maybe the Boxcar Children was close). Conn Iggulden continues to write great historical fiction with this Khan series. Is it all historically correct? I don’t know. Is it geographically correct? I don’t know. Is it a great story filled with great characters? Definitely. I was super excited when I saw this book at our library and it was one of those books you read slowly because you don’t want to finish. Surely there is another book coming about Kublai Khan, the grandson of Ghengis. Highly recommend not only for people who like historical fiction but also for those who like great story lines. » …
Tout près du tueur
Vingt et un ans plus tôt, ils ont été les témoins d’un crime atroce. Aujourd’hui, ils vont payer pour leur silence. Alors qu’elle court, comme tout les matins, dans le parc près de chez elle, le médecin légiste Lucy Trask découvre avec horreur le corps affreusement mutilé d’un homme. Un homme qu’elle a autrefois bien connu, comme l’enquête de la police de Baltimore va vite le révéler. En plaçant le corps à cet endroit, le tueur voulait-il attirer l’attention de Lucy ? Et que signifie la lettre, ou le chiffre, tracé sur le dos de la victime ? La découverte d’un deuxième corps, lui aussi mutilé, plonge Lucy dans l’angoisse et le désarroi. Car cette nouvelle victime, comme la première, vient d’Anderson Ferry, la petite ville où elle a vécu enfant. Qu’est-ce qui la relie à ce tueur violent, sadique, que rien n’arrête, et qui, elle le pressent, se cache dans son entourage? Et parviendra-t-elle, au prix d’une éprouvante plongée dans ses souvenirs les plus sombres, à rassembler les pièces du puzzle macabre qu’il semble vouloir lui proposer ? Pour faire éclater la vérité, et pour survivre, Lucy ne peut compter que sur l’inspecteur Fitzpatrick.
Rough justice
En Anglais – Dispatched by the President to report on the state of still troubled Kosovo, his trusted agent Blake Johnson runs into a military man there named Harry Miller, who has the same task from the British Prime Minister. They band together just in time to stop a Russian officer from torching a mosque or rather, Miller stops him, with a bullet to the forehead … This action will have considerable consequences, not only for Miller and Johnson and their associates, including Britain's Sean Dillon, but for a great many people, all the way to the top of the governments of the United States, Britain, and Russia. Death begets death, and revenge leads only to revenge, and before the chain reaction of events is done from Kosovo to London to Beirut to Ireland to Moscow there will be plenty of both … Rich with all the ingredients that have made the author justly admired, Rough Justice is further proof that, in the words of the Associated Press, When it comes to thriller writers, one name stands well above the crowd Jack Higgins.