Looking for Alaska
For young adult
Before. Miles “Pudge” Halter is done with his safe life at home. His whole life has been one big non-event, and his obsession with famous last words has only made him crave “the Great Perhaps” even more (Francois Rabelais, poet). He heads off to the sometimes crazy and anything-but-boring world of Culver Creek Boarding School, and his life becomes the opposite of safe. Because down the hall is Alaska Young. The gorgeous, clever, funny, sexy, self-destructive, screwed up, and utterly fascinating Alaska Young. She is an event unto herself. She pulls Pudge into her world, launches him into the Great Perhaps, and steals his heart. Then. . . .
After. Nothing is ever the same.
Ne pleure pas
Un auteur encensé par la presse, la blogosphère et les lecteurs avec son premier roman Une Fille parfaite. Chicago, en ville. Esther Vaughan disparaît du jour au lendemain. Inquiète, Quinn, sa colocataire, prend conscience qu’elle ne sait rien d’Esther : celle-ci a toujours refusé de parler de sa famille, et laisse derrière elle un fouillis qui ne lui ressemble pas – en particulier une lettre qui instille le doute dans l’esprit de Quinn « sainte Esther », comme elle la surnomme, n’est peut-être pas la personne qu’elle croit…
Ailleurs, dans un petit port sur la rive du lac Michigan. Alex Gallo voit entrer une inconnue dans le café tranquille où il travaille. Le genre de jeune femme dont la beauté et le charme font qu’elle ne passe pas inaperçue et ne laisse pas indifférent. Alex a dix-huit ans ; il se laisse envoûter en toute innocence. Entre ces deux évènements, Mary Kubica construit brique par brique une intrigue aussi époustouflante que celle de son précédent et excellent roman Une Fille parfaite. Sans effets superflus d’écritue et avec sobriété, l’air de ne pas y toucher… C’est une magicienne du suspense qui retourne comme un gant l’apparente simplicité des situations et des personnages. Elle vous attrape dès les premières pages, vous enveloppe dans le mystère, vous y égale, et vous laisse dans l’incertitude jusqu’à la fin. A quoi ressemblera le puzzle, une fois toutes les pièces assemblées ? La réponse est juste avant le point final.
The power of six
I’ve seen him on the news. Followed the stories about what happened in Ohio. John Smith, out there, on the run. To the world, he’s a mystery. But to me . . . he’s one of us. Nine of us came here, but sometimes I wonder if time has changed us—if we all still believe in our mission. How can I know? There are six of us left. We’re hiding, blending in, avoiding contact with one another . . . but our Legacies are developing, and soon we’ll be equipped to fight. Is John Number Four, and is his appearance the sign I’ve been waiting for? And what about Number Five and Six? Could one of them be the raven-haired girl with the stormy eyes from my dreams. The girl with powers that are beyond anything I could ever imagine. The girl who may be strong enough to bring the six of us together? They caught Number One in Malaysia. Number Two in England. And Number Three in Kenya. They tried to catch Number Four in Ohio—and failed.
I am Number Seven. One of six still alive. And I’m ready to fight.
My story, my dream
The talented and beautiful woman who has moved us with her singing now moves us with her words. Celine Dion — My Story, My Dream is an unforgettable true story of courage, perseverance, dedication, and devotion — told with the wide-eyed honesty of someone who has basked in the glowing adoration of millions of fans but has never lost touch with her working-class roots. Here is a book for anyone who has ever wondered about the real person behind the magnificent voice. Touching and funny, fascinating and uplifting, it is an exquisitely detailed portrait of a remarkable woman who has never backed away from any challenge…even the most daunting challenges of the heart.
For young adult
Sixteen-year-old Janelle Tenner is used to having a lot of responsibility. She balances working as a lifeguard in San Diego with an intense academic schedule. Janelle’s mother is bipolar, and her dad is a workaholic FBI agent, which means Janelle also has to look out for her younger brother, Jared.
And that was before she died… and is brought back to life by Ben Michaels, a mysterious, alluring loner from her high school. When she discovers a strange clock that seems to be counting down to the earth’s destruction, Janelle learns she has twenty-four days to figure out how to stop the clock and save the planet.
Geek girl
En Anglais – For teenagers – Harriet Manners knows a lot of things. She knows that a cat has 32 muscles in each ear, a « jiffy » lasts 1/100th of a second, and the average person laughs 15 times per day. What she isn’t quite so sure about is why nobody at school seems to like her very much. So when she’s spotted by a top model agent, Harriet grabs the chance to reinvent herself. Even if it means stealing her Best Friend’s dream, incurring the wrath of her arch enemy Alexa, and repeatedly humiliating herself in front of the impossibly handsome supermodel Nick. Even if it means lying to the people she loves. As Harriet veers from one couture disaster to the next with the help of her overly enthusiastic father and her uber-geeky stalker, Toby, she begins to realise that the world of fashion doesn’t seem to like her any more than the real world did. And as her old life starts to fall apart, the question is: will Harriet be able to transform herself before she ruins everything?
Au dernier vivant
3 heures du matin. Le lieutenant Peter Decker est appelé au ranch du milliardaire Guy Kaffey. Une épouvantable scène de crime l’y attend : Kaffey, son épouse et trois de leurs employés ont été tués par balle. Le magnat de l’immobilier s’était taillé une réputation de philantrope en engageant d’anciens délinquants pour les aider à se réinsérer. A-t-il été victime de son entourage ? Pour découvrir la vérité, Decker va devoir s’immerger dans un Los Angeles très éloigné des clichés de Hollywood. Jusqu’à ce que sa femme, jurée dans un procès, se retrouve par hasard au coeur de son enquête… et sur le chemin des tueurs.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull, a story
En anglais – This is a story for people who follow their hearts and make their own rules…people who get special pleasure out of doing something well, even if only for themselves…people who know there’s more to this living than meets the eye: they’ll be right there with Jonathan, flying higher and faster than ever they dreamed. Jonathan Livingston Seagull is no ordinary bird. He believes it is every gull’s right to fly, to reach the ultimate freedom of challenge and discovery, finding his greatest reward in teaching younger gulls the joy of flight and the power of dreams. The special 20th anniversary release of this spiritual classic!
The faithful tribe
En anglais – The first, intimate portrait of the Orange Order. // If there is any more controversial body of men (and, with the exception of Ruth Dudley Edwards, who has been admitted to an honorary position in her very own lodge, they are all men) in the British Isles, it is hard to think who they might be. To most outsiders, grown men parading in bowler hats, white gloves, coloured sashes or collarettes, rolled umbrellas and banners showing scenes from the Old Testament or from a war that ended three centuries ago, are anachronistic, silly and provocative; to their enemies they are triumphalist bigots; to most of their members, the lodges’ parades are a commemoration of the courage of their forefathers, a proud declaration of their belief in civil and religious freedom, a demonstration of their Britishness, a chance to catch up with old friends and a jolly day out. // Ruth Dudley Edwards is an unlikely Joan of Arc for the Orangemen, but that she is; a trusted and liked sympathizer, a woman, a Catholic from southern Ireland; one who sees them as possibly rather bumptious and certainly their own worst enemy, endlessly outpaced by the nimble Republicans in terms of PR (which the Orangemen scorn to meddle with). She has written a fond but not uncritical, indeed rather exasperated, portrait of this tribe, with lashings of insider detail and revelation which no one else could hope to obtain.
En Anglais – A former reporter and a specialist in kidnap negotiations releases a debut serial killer novel that reveals the making of a mass murderer. Three bodies are found with their tongues cut out and replaced with silver spoons. The killer’s motives and methods are so elusive that talented investigator Red Metcalf must search the darkest corners of his own soul to stop the killings.
Falling Angels
En Anglais – In her New York Times bestselling follow-up, Tracy Chevalier once again paints a distant age with a rich and provocative palette of characters. Told through a variety of shifting perspectives- wives and husbands, friends and lovers, masters and their servants, and a gravedigger’s son-Falling Angels follows the fortunes of two families in the emerging years of the twentieth century.
For 150 years, the Aga Khans–all lineal descendants of Mohammed–have been the spiritual leaders of the Ismailis, a sect of the Shia Muslims, found primarily in East Africa. This first in-depth biography of the Aga Khans takes a mesmerizing look at a colorful dynasty that is still a recognizable force in world affairs and in the development of the Third World.