Dédié à l’art, les femmes et l’Afrique – Français/Anglais
Magasine grand-format de 176 pages
IAM – Intense Art Magazine, dédié à la scène artistique contemporaine au féminin d’Afrique et de sa diaspora. Elles sont artistes, stylistes, designers, pionnières ou figures de la nouvelle scène, IAM s’illumine de cette énergie créative “made in Africa”.
La voix de l’art du Nigeria ne porte pas, elle retentit. Du plus profond de l’âme de ses artistes et des professionnels qui les entourent, elle est une parole emplie de sens, d’engagement, de sincérité et de force.
Au sommaire : Les pionnières, les piliers, les médiatrices, la nouvelle scène, regards croisés, les lieux d’art, la mode et le design made in Nigeria et IAM dans le monde.
Tous les artistes contemporains sont là …
Livre en anglais – Mahmud Modibbo Tukur’s seminal work challenges fundamental assumptions and conclusions about European colonialism in Africa, especially British colonialism in northern Nigeria. Whereas others have presented the thesis of a welcome reception of the imposition of British colonialism by the people of northern Nigeria, the study has found physical resistance and tremendous hostility towards that imposition; and, contrary to the premise of “pacification” and minimal violence argued by some scholars, the study has exposed the violent and bloody nature of that occupation. Rather than the single story of the “Indirect rule” administrative mandate, or “abolishing slavery” and lifting the burden of precolonial taxation which others have argued, this book has shown that British officials were very much in evidence, imposed numerous and heavier taxes collected with great efficiency and ruthlessness, and ignored the health and welfare of the people in famines and health epidemics which ravaged communities in northern Nigeria during the period.
Livre en anglais – “Rich-veined, sensual, and probing, this rewarding collection bears the imprint of a keen, world-wise poet. Tade Aina is a well-traveled man who weaves the lore, legends and histories of hearth and far-flung places with equal self-assurance.” – Okey Ndibe, author of Foreign Gods, Inc.
The Peacekeeper’s Wife – Livre neuf
Livre en anglais – When Issa was sent as one of the several thousands to the peacekeeping mission in the Congo, Malika, his newly wedded wife, watched and waited in helpless horror, entangled in someone else’s war. As Issa guarded the UN base, barring rebels from raping children, and patrolling borders of a rich ruined territory, back home in Segol, Malika felt the weight of separation, descending to a gradual but forceful emotional abyss. Fatimata, her mother-in-law, pained by the absence of a son, accused her of being a witch and sent her to Bintou, the marabout. The conflict between Malika and Fatimata escalated drawing fire from their mutual longing. The Peacekeeper’s Wife deftly captures the human catastrophe of wars and migration in faraway lands through the excruciating loss and loneliness of estranged families, burdened by the separation from loved ones.
My Life Has a Price – Livre neuf
Livre en anglais – “My heart is pounding against my chest. I am having a hard time breathing and a hard time thinking. I cross the terrace. One step, one small step. Then another tiny step. Now I am on the lawn. The grass is cold and wet under my bare feet. A gust of wind pastes my green sweatshirt against my body. My long grey skirt sticks to my legs like the skin of a rhinoceros. My heart tells me to run, to run as fast as my legs can carry me, with all my might. But I can’t….” One morning in the outskirts of Lagos, Nigeria, a lucky 13-year-old girl named Tina, who came from a modest family, is preparing to go to France to become part of Linda and Godwin Okpara’s family. Linda is a home maker and Godwin is a footballer at top French club Paris Saint-Germain and for the Super Eagles, Nigeria’s national squad. They have four children and Tina dreams of going with them to school and joining in their games and pranks, living the European dream. But soon after her arrival the reality becomes different.