The speed of trust
Stephen M. R. Covey shows how trust—and the speed at which it is established with clients, employees, and all stakeholders—is the single most critical component of a successful leader and organization.Stephen M. R. Covey, widely known as one of the world’s leading authorities on trust, asserts that it is “the most overlooked, misunderstood, underutilized asset to enable performance. Its impact, for good or bad, is dramatic and pervasive. It’s something you can’t escape.” Thankfully, it’s is also the thing that can dramatically improve your personal and professional success. Why trust? The simple, often overlooked fact is this: work gets done with and through people. The Speed of Trust offers an unprecedented and eminently practical look at exactly how trust functions in every transaction and every relationship—from the most personal to the broadest, most indirect interaction. It specifically demonstrates how to establish trust intentionally so that you and your organization can forego the time-killing, bureaucratic check-and-balance processes that is so often deployed in lieu of actual trust. This 2018 updated edition includes an insightful afterword by the author which explores ten key reasons why trust is more relevant now than ever before—including how trust is the new currency of our world today.
Highland Velvet
Bronwyn MacArran was a proud Scot. Stephen Montgomery was one of the hated English.
He came to Scotland as a conqueror, saw her beauty and was vanquished. But still she would abhor him. She owned a temper hot enough to forge the armors of battle or inflame a valiant soldier’s passion. Yet still she would resist him. She became his reason to live, his reason to love. And still she would deny him. But while clan fought clan, while brother took up sword against brother, and the highlands ran with blood—their destiny was made…and this mighty warrior pledged himself to his woman’s pride, her honor and her name—and made of their love a torch to burn through the ages!
The tin roof blowdown
This is James Lee Burke’s latest mystery featuring Dave Robicheaux. It is also much more than that. The story begins with the shooting of two would-be looters in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina, and then follows a motley group of characters – from street thugs to a big-time mob boss, from a junkie priest to a sadistic psychopath – as their stories converge on a cache of stolen diamonds, while the storm turns the Big Easy into a lawless wasteland of apocalyptic proportions. The nightmarish landscape created by Katrina seems the perfect setting for Burke’s almost Biblical visions of good and evil – it is as if he had to wait for this disaster to find the occasion to match his emotionally supercharged prose. You can feel the undercurrents of rage and pain beneath the narrative, making this not only his most personal and deeply felt book for some time, but quite possibly his best novel to date. This is not just a superb crime novel, it is potentially THE fictional chronicle of a disaster whose human dimensions America is still struggling to process.
Délit d’innocence
Un délit d’initié n’est pas du meilleur effet sur un CV de magistrat… Quand Ben Addison, jeune juriste ambitieux, tout juste nommé assistant de l’un des neufs juges de la Cour suprême, comprend qu’il a sauté à pieds joints dans le piège d’un imposteur, il est déjà dans un sacré pétrin. Acculé, désespéré à l’idée de voir compromis un brillant avenir professionnel, Ben se tourne vers Lisa, sa collègue, et vers ses trois meilleurs amis, jeunes golden-boys intelligents mais inexpérimentés comme lui. Objectif : retrouver l’escroc qui s’est volatilisé avec des millions de dollars. Le hic, c’est qu’ils ont largement sous-estimé leur adversaire, et lorsqu’ils réalisent l’ampleur du danger il est trop tard. Leur amitié, leur carrière et peut-être leur vie sont elles aussi sur le fil du rasoir. Mais il n’est plus question de faire marche arrière… Mêlant à son redoutable suspense une peinture sans complaisance et pleine d’humour des appétits d’ascension sociale des yuppies, ce thriller aussi original que mouvementé a été best-seller aux États-Unis dès sa parution.