Diary of wimpy kid the ugly truth
Greg Heffley has always been in a hurry to grow up. But is getting older really all it’s cracked up to be? Greg suddenly finds himself dealing with the pressures of boy-girl parties, increased responsibilities, and even the awkward changes that come with getting older–all without his best friend, Rowley, at his side. Can Greg make it through on his own? Or will he have to face the ugly truth ?
Play with me
A little girl goes to the meadow to play, but each animal she tries to catch runs away from her—until she sits still by the pond, and they all come back.
Three skeletons–a grownup, a child, and a dog–take a walk at night through a dark town.
En Anglais – Ages 10 up – Toswiah Green’s life ended the moment her policeman father decided to testify against a fellow officer. The Greens have had to change their identities and move to a different city. Now Toswiah is Evie Thomas, and that is the least of the changes. Her defeated father spends his days sitting by the window. Since her mother can no longer work as a teacher, she puts her energy into their new church. Her only sister is making secret plans to leave. And Evie, struggling to find her way, wonders who she is now and how she can make her future as bright as her past once was.