Movie speak
Uncover the secret language of movie-making in a handbook for film buffs and language-lovers, as well as anyone who aspires to break into the business, with hundreds of essential terms, explained. Opening a window into the fascinatingly technical, odd, colorful, and mysterious working language of movies, Oscar-winning producer, actor, and director Tony Bill sheds light on the hugely complex process of making a film, as well as on the hierarchies between the cast and crew and the on-set etiquette of any movie production. From why the Assistant Director calls “wrap” to the real reason Hollywood stars began wearing sunglasses, Movie Speak offers tricks of the trade learned over decades in Hollywood—to help you crack the code of the movie business.
Kaleidoscopia ! Book and Kit
this book is almost brand new Scope it out: Here’s a one-of-a-kind book of kaleidoscopes, plus a kit that contains everything you need to build your own. From Carolyn Bennett—author of The Kids’ Book of Kaleidoscopes, Kaleidoscopia! is the comprehensive update and revision loaded with kaleidoscope history and science, experiments, and eco-friendly projects that give recycled materials a vibrant new life.
The full-color book with step-by-step illustrations is a lively exploration of the science behind the kaleidoscope’s magic, from the properties of light to the surprising way our eyes see color to the power of mirrors. Sixteen fascinating experiments allow readers to see the science in action. And then there are the scopes: a master kaleidoscope with 11 variations, plus 17 additional projects made from drink bottles, toothpaste boxes, plastic toys, stray marbles, and other common household objects. The Ping-Pong Scope. The Ocean Slow-Motion Scope. The Rocket Scope. And the Camera Capture, which uses a phone camera to take fun photo booth–style pictures! Templates at the back of the book help kids trace and cut out precise shapes.
The kit contains all the components for the master kaleidoscope: 3 high-quality plastic mirrors, custom tube, eyepiece and end cap, a starter set of beads, gems, and doodads for spectacular viewing, plus cellophane and a Ping-Pong ball to use in the projects.