En Anglais – « Provocative and delightfully discursive essays on natural history. . . . Gould is the Stan Musial of essay writing. He can work himself into a corkscrew of ideas and improbable allusions paragraph after paragraph and then, uncoiling, hit it with such power that his fans know they are experiencing the game of essay writing at its best. »–John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review
Batavia’s graveyard
En Anglais – In 1628 the Dutch East India Company loaded the Batavia, the flagship of its fleet, with a king’s ransom in gold, silver, and gems for her maiden voyage to Java; the ship itself was a tangible symbol of the world’s richest and most powerful monopoly. The company also sent along a new employee to guard its treasure. He was Jeronimus Corneliszoon, a disgraced and bankrupt man with great charisma and dangerously heretical ideas. With the help of a few disgruntled sailors, he hatched a plot to seize the ship and her riches. The mutiny might have succeeded, but in the dark morning hours of June 3, 1629, the Batavia smashed through a coral reef and ran aground on a small chain of islands near Australia. The captain and skipper escaped the wreck, and in a tiny lifeboat they set sail for Java—some 1,500 miles north—to summon help. More than 250 frightened survivors waded ashore, thankful to be alive. Unfortunately, Jeronimus and the mutineers had survived too, and the nightmare was only beginning.
Beautiful Thing
En Anglais – Sonia Faleiro was a reporter in search of a story when she met Leela, a beautiful and charismatic bar dancer with a story to tell. Leela introduced Sonia to the underworld of Bombay’s dance bars: a world of glamorous women, of fierce love, sex and violence, of customers and gangsters, of police, prostitutes and pimps. When an ambitious politician cashed in on a tide of false morality and had Bombay’s dance bars wiped out, Leela’s proud independence faced its greatest test. In a city where almost everyone is certain that someone, somewhere, is worse off than them, she fights to survive, and to win. Beautiful Thing, one of the most original works of non-fiction from India in years, is a vivid and intimate portrait of one reporter’s journey into the dark, pulsating and ultimately damaged soul of Bombay.
En Anglais – In the tradition of The Godfather, The Westies is a powerful tale spanning 60 years. A gang of Irish-Americans, the Westies patrolled Manhattan’s West Side throughout the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. They ruled the tough blue-collar neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen, where bodies were known to literally fall from the sky.
Poster – See India Travel
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Poster – Holland Travel
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Poster – South America Travel
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Poster – Raceway Premium
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Poster – Gibraltar Travel
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An affair of sorcerers
En Anglais – Three apparently separate investigations involving the New York City occult underground of covens, warlocks, tarot readers, faith healers, and palm readers dovetail into a single, explosive climax.
Poster – New York Times Square
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Poster – Éléphants d’Afrique
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Poster – Plage et cocotiers 3
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Poster – Plage en Thaïlande
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Poster – Lagon
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Poster – Océan
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Poster – Plage et cocotiers 2
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Polar Star
En Anglais – In the long-awaited sequel to Gorky Park, Arkady Renko returns to Russia to work on the Polar Star, a huge fishing-factory ship. When a young girl is murdered, Renko is asked to investigate . . . and enters a case as chilling and gripping as his previous adventure.
Arènes Sénégalaises – Livre neuf
Livre bilingue français/anglais – Matar Ndour, photographe, montre ici les diverses facettes, aussi bien sportives que folkloriques, mystiques et populaires, qui se font jour dans un stade lors des grands combats.
Simb – Livre neuf
Dans ce livre de photographies, Laurent Gudin retrace les différentes vies du Simbkat, de son antre où il se pare des attributs du fauve, à son terrain de chasse-exhibition où il terrifie et fascine tout à la fois.
Le divorce expliqué à nos enfants
Pourquoi divorce-t-on si souvent aujourd’hui ? Comment peut-on se séparer, et quelquefois se détester, lorsqu’on a tout partagé au point de concevoir ensemble des enfants ? Les questions des adolescents sur le divorce laissent en général les adultes sans voix tant elles sont directes. Pour eux, comme pour les adultes, la rupture représente une épreuve dont il ne se sert à rien de minimiser les effets. Ne sont-ils pas les premiers concernés par les déménagements, les changements d’école ou l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle organisation familiale, souvent contraignante ? Comment leur donner les moyens de se construire en confiance, sans rien renier de leur histoire personnelle, entre deux maisons et deux univers différents ? A partir d’exemples vécus, les auteurs s’attachent à dédramatiser une situation douloureuse et à dégager les repères dont tout enfant a besoin lorsque ses parents se séparent.
Mal de pierres
Au centre, l’héroïne: jeune Sarde étrange « aux longs cheveux noirs et aux yeux immenses ». Toujours en décalage, toujours à contretemps, toujours à côté de sa propre vie… A l’arrière-plan, les personnages secondaires, peints avec une touche d’une extraordinaire finesse: le mari, épousé par raison pendant la Seconde Guerre, sensuel taciturne à jamais mal connu; le Rescapé, brève rencontre sur le Continent, à l’empreinte indélébile; le fils, inespéré, et futur pianiste; enfin, la petite-fille, narratrice de cette histoire, la seule qui permettra à l’héroïne de se révéler dans sa vérité. Mais sait-on jamais tout de quelqu’un, aussi proche soit-il…
A crime so monstrous
En Anglais – To be a moral witness is perhaps the highest calling of journalism, and in this unforgettable, highly readable account of contemporary slavery, author Benjamin Skinner travels around the globe to personally tell stories that need to be told — and heard. As Samantha Power and Philip Gourevitch did for genocide, Skinner has now done for modern-day slavery. With years of reporting in such places as Haiti, Sudan, India, Eastern Europe, The Netherlands, and, yes, even suburban America, he has produced a vivid testament and moving reportage on one of the great evils of our time. There are more slaves in the world today than at any time in history. After spending four years visiting a dozen countries where slavery flourishes, Skinner tells the story, in gripping narrative style, of individuals who live in slavery, those who have escaped from bondage, those who own or traffic in slaves, and the mixed political motives of those who seek to combat the crime. Skinner infiltrates trafficking networks and slave sales on five continents, exposing a modern flesh trade never before portrayed in such proximity. From mega-harems in Dubai to illicit brothels in Bucharest, from slave quarries in India to child markets in Haiti, he explores the underside of a world we scarcely recognize as our own and lays bare a parallel universe where human beings are bought, sold, used, and discarded. He travels from the White House to war zones and immerses us in the political and flesh-and-blood battles on the front lines of the unheralded new abolitionist movement.
Du crime au bourreau
Les meurtres se succèdent à Daybreak, petit bourg d’Australie-Occidentale. Mais comment trouver le coupable sans mobile apparent ni preuve convaincante ? La police, bredouille, appelle l’inspecteur Napoléon Bonaparte à la rescousse. Homme à tout faire, barman, dresseur de chevaux… Bony n’aura jamais autant travaillé. Mais il n’oubliera pas son enquête et, patiemment, comme un chat guette une souris, il attendra que l’assassin commette une erreur. A l’opposé des détectives occidentaux, qui trouvent leurs marques au cœur des villes, Napoléon Bonaparte, lui, déchiffre ce qu’il appelle le « livre de la brousse ».
Poster – Ponton en bord de mer
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Poster – Transats sur la plage
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En Anglais – ‘Homecomings’ is the seventh in the ‘Strangers and Brothers’ series and sequel to ‘Time of Hope’. This complete story in its own right follows Lewis Eliot’s life through World War II. After his first wife’s death his work at the Ministry assumes a larger role. It is not until his second marriage that Eliot is able to commit himself emotionally.
Poster – Tron
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Poster – L’Étrange Noël de monsieur Jack
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Poster – Mickey Mouse exhibition
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Poster – Roi Lion
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Poster – Princesse Raiponce
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Poster – Princesses Disney 3
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Poster – Princesses Disney 2
Poster – Princesses Disney 1
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A conspiracy of paper
En Anglais Benjamin Weaver, a Jew and an ex-boxer, is an outsider in eighteenth-century London, tracking down debtors and felons for aristocratic clients. The son of a wealthy stock trader, he lives estranged from his family – until he is asked to investigate his father’s sudden death. Thus Weaver descends into the deceptive world of the English stock jobbers, gliding between coffee houses and gaming houses, drawing rooms and bordellos. The more Weaver uncovers, the darker the truth becomes, until he realizes that he is following too closely in his father’s footsteps – and they just might lead him to his own grave. An enthralling historical thriller, A Conspiracy of Paper will leave readers wondering just how much has changed in the stock market in the last three hundred years …
The Katanga run
En Anglais It was in the Congo, after the bitter battle for independance had been won and peace had collapsed into chaos, that the word « mercenary » first hit the headlines … To the Congo came idealists and adventurers, revolutionaries with dreams and opportunists with desires …..
Skin privilege
En Anglais In a stifling jail cell in a run-down Georgia town, detective Lena Adams sits in self-imposed silence, bruised, angry, and the only suspect in a horrific murder that left a woman incinerated beyond recognition. A hundred miles away, police chief Jeffrey Tolliver receives the call.
En Anglais McGahern began his career as a schoolteacher at Scoil Eoin Báiste (Belgrove) primary school in Clontarf, Ireland, where, for a period, he taught the eminent academic Declan Kiberd before turning to writing full-time. McGahern’s second novel ‘The Dark’ was banned in Ireland for its alleged pornographic content and implied clerical sexual abuse. In the controversy over this he was forced to resign his teaching post. He subsequently moved to England where he worked in a variety of jobs before returning to Ireland to live and work on a small farm in Fenagh in County Leitrim, located halfway between Ballinamore and Mohill. His third novel ‘Amongst Women’ was shortlisted for the 1990 Man Booker Prize.
He died from cancer in Dublin on March 30, 2006.
Hard news
En Anglais Gideon McCarthy is a disgraced reporter trying to work his way off the night cops beat. Scarred by personal tragedy, locked in a bitter custody battle for two young children, he believes his career is all but over. If he has any hope of redemption, he must solve a series of savage killings. Prentice LaFontaine is McCarthy’s best friend, gossip extraordinaire and the black’s
The pillars of the earth
En Anglais – Everything readers expect from Follett is here: intrigue, fast-paced action, and passionate romance. But what makes The Pillars of the Earth extraordinary is the time the twelfth century; the place feudal England; and the subject the building of a glorious cathedral. Follett has re-created the crude, flamboyant England of the Middle Ages in every detail. The vast forests, the walled towns, the castles, and the monasteries become a familiar landscape. Against this richly imagined and intricately interwoven backdrop, filled with the ravages of war and the rhythms of daily life, the master storyteller draws the reader irresistibly into the intertwined lives of his characters into their dreams, their labors, and their loves: Tom, the master builder; Aliena, the ravishingly beautiful noblewoman; Philip, the prior of Kingsbridge; Jack, the artist in stone; and Ellen, the woman of the forest who casts a terrifying curse. From humble stonemason to imperious monarch, each character is brought vividly to life. The building of the cathedral, with the almost eerie artistry of the unschooled stonemasons, is the center of the drama. Around the site of the construction, Follett weaves a story of betrayal, revenge, and love, which begins with the public hanging of an innocent man and ends with the humiliation of a king.
Pale saint – Dark homecoming
En Anglais – 2 volumes – Pale Satin : Eric Lustbader takes us to the cutting edge of technology with this unique novel of suspense. New York City Homicide Detective Jon Christopher has a perfect record bringing serial killers to justice, but now all that has changed: the genocidal maniac dubbed the Pale Saint has eluded him for 18 months. When Christopher’s best friend, assistant D.A. Bobby Austin becomes the Pale Saint’s latest victim, Christopher’s need to catch the killer becomes of matter of personal obsession. Forced to take desparate measures in order to track down the Pale Saint, Christopher enlists an unexpected partner, the great lost love of his life, Austin’s widow, Cassandra, a brilliant genetic engineer. Together they make a cataclysmic decision: they will create and train a clone of the Pale Saint, his mirror image, to become the human bullet that will bring the wily killer down. Eric Lustbader’s new novel is an intense, breathless chase to root out and destroy the ultimate evil. And in redefining the age-old mysteries of love and death, loyalty and betrayal, sin and redemption, Pale Saint forces us to confront the most profound questions of our time: What defines a human being? What constitutes a family? What right do scientists have to breach the barrier of the unknown? – Dark Homecoming : Lew Croaker is trying to mind his own business in Miami when he gets caught up with the sinister Bonita brothers. When his niece takes an overdose and needs a kidney transplant, Croaker has to make a terrifying decision – can he kill a friend to save his own flesh and blood?
Devil’s peak
En Anglais – From rising South African thriller writer Deon Meyer, a gripping suspense novel about revenge, forgiveness, and the race to catch a trained killer. A young woman makes a terrible confession to a priest. An honorable man takes his own revenge for an unspeakable tragedy. An aging inspector tries to get himself sober while taking on the most difficult case of his career. From this beginning, Deon Meyer weaves a story of astonishing complexity and suspense, as Inspector Benny Griessel faces off against a dangerous vigilante who has everything on his side, including public sympathy. A gruesome abuse case has hit the newsstands, and one man has taken it upon himself to stand up for the children of Cape Town. When the accused is found stabbed through the heart by spear, it’s only the beginning of a string of bloody murders – and of a dangerous dilemma for detective Griessel. The detective is always just one step behind as someone slays the city’s killers. But the paths of Griessel and the avenger collide when a young prostitute lures them both into a dangerous plan – and the two find themselves with a heart-stopping problem that no system of justice could ever make right.
Isabelle, petite sœur des années folles
C’est une histoire de terroir et d’enfance. Quelque chose de simple ; ou presque tout est inventé. C’est en fait une histoire d’amour entre des enfants que la vie puis la guerre s’amusent à séparer, et d’amour pour un terroir aussi. Le point de départ se situe « sur le chemin de l’école », dans le village même où il a grandi. La Vienne restera le cadre des épisodes suivants. « Un été à la ferme » sera la 2ème partie, alors que la guerre plante le décor de leur adolescence. Le départ du garçon pour le maquis Joël, « la résistance », sera la 3ème partie ; puis son retour enfin. On ne démélera pas le vrai de l’imaginaire dans cette prose simple et sensible. Son titre « Isabelle, petite sœur des années folles, entretient après tout le sytère d’une relation qu’on sent encore vivante.
Reading in the Dark
En Anglais – Hugely acclaimed in Great Britain, where it was awarded the Guardian Fiction Prize and short-listed for the Booker, Seamus Deane’s first novel is a mesmerizing story of childhood set against the violence of Northern Ireland in the 1940s and 1950s. The boy narrator grows up haunted by a truth he both wants and does not want to discover. The matter: a deadly betrayal, unspoken and unspeakable, born of political enmity. As the boy listens through the silence that surrounds him, the truth spreads like a stain until it engulfs him and his family. And as he listens, and watches, the world of legend–the stone fort of Grianan, home of the warrior Fianna; the Field of the Disappeared, over which no gulls fly–reveals its transfixing reality. Meanwhile the real world of adulthood unfolds its secrets like a collection of folktales: the dead sister walking again; the lost uncle, Eddie, present on every page; the family house « as cunning and articulate as a labyrinth, closely designed, with someone sobbing at the heart of it. » Seamus Deane has created a luminous tale about how childhood fear turns into fantasy and fantasy turns into fact. Breathtakingly sad but vibrant and unforgettable, Reading in the Dark is one of the finest books about growing up–in Ireland or anywhere–that has ever been written.
Les Plaideurs
Il s’est agi pour Racine de privilégier le langage et le mouvement, et surtout, le mouvement du langage. Les coups ont beau tomber sur le dos d’un faux sergent qui les réclame, le juge fou a beau ouvrir une audience sous les gouttières et tenter de la poursuivre depuis le soupirail de la cave au fond de laquelle il finit par se fracasser le crâne, il a beau s’endormir au milieu de la plaidoirie de l’Intimé et se réveiller brutalement pour condamner le chien « aux galères », ce n’est pas le comique de geste, de situation et de mouvement qui fait le sel de son travail : Les Plaideurs reposent avant tout sur la « grâce » d’un comique verbal exceptionnel.
Le secret des papes
David Ben Zion, le légendaire chef du Mossad, se lance dans la plus folle aventure de sa carrière : retrouver le chandelier à sept branches, pris par le général Titus en 70 de notre ère, lors de la destruction du Temple de Jérusalem. Personne n’a jamais revu ce trésor unique, fabriqué par Moïse sur les instructions de Dieu. En or massif et fait d’une seule pièce, le chandelier est le plus grand symbole du sacerdoce biblique. Son retour à Jérusalem annoncera l’arrivée du Messie. Ainsi sera évitée cette menace d’un nouveau genre qui pèse sur le peuple juif : l’assimilation et, par conséquent, sa disparition. Convaincu que le chandelier se trouve au Vatican, dans une cave enfouie à plusieurs mètres sous terre dont les papes seuls se transmettent le secret depuis des siècles, David Ben Zion monte une formidable opération clandestine au cœur de la Ville éternelle. Se croyant désormais investi d’une mission divine, il n’hésitera pas à utiliser toutes les ressources de l’espionnage pour réussir. De Rome à Jérusalem, de New York au mont Sinaï, c’est au péril de son âme que l’espion de Dieu se jette dans cette quête hors du commun qui va le laisser seul face aux mystères effrayants du monde invisible : Un thriller spirituel dont les véritables héros sont peut-être Dieu et le diable…
La ferme d’Eden
Tout est paisible, dans la ferme d’Eden, près de la vieille Donahue Highway, la route désaffectée qui mène à Mullia, à cent-vingt kilomètres et à Lumberry, à cent-soixante kilomètres. Dans ce Queensland australien rongé par un soleil implacable, au milieu de bush quasi desertique, vit pieusement la famille du R.P. Jason Fennymore. Il y a là l’ancêtre: » Grandma », gardienne des traditions calvinistes, Jason junior, Jeremiah et Charlotte, les enfants et Rebecca, la douce et belle Rebecca, la femme du pasteur. la vie quotidienne se déroule presqu’immuable, soumise aux rites qu’impose la parole biblique. Jusqu’au jour où… … Jusqu’au jour où surgit le trio infernal; le gang de Lou Davies. – Ici Jud Zermatt… Mullia Police… Vous m’entendez? Le gang Davies a attaqué la Commonwealth Bank, à Mount Isa… Huit innocents tués. Davies se dirige vers vous… L’arrivée des bandits va tout changer à la ferme d’Eden. Des envoyés du diable, à coup sûr.