Poster – Goku
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Poster – Dragon Ball Z
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Poster – Ibiza Travel
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Poster – Californie
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Poster – Grand prix de Monaco 2016
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Poster – San Francisco Travel
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Poster – Honolulu Travel
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En Anglais – A former reporter and a specialist in kidnap negotiations releases a debut serial killer novel that reveals the making of a mass murderer. Three bodies are found with their tongues cut out and replaced with silver spoons. The killer’s motives and methods are so elusive that talented investigator Red Metcalf must search the darkest corners of his own soul to stop the killings.
Winter house
En Anglais – In this riveting thriller from New York Times bestselling author Carol O’Connell, New York City officer Kathleen Mallory purges a woman of her mysterious past–and the flesh-and-blood ghosts of a violent family legacy. At first, NYPD detective Kathleen Mallory thinks the case is simple: a burglar caught in the act and stabbed with an ice pick by a vulnerable homeowner. Except that the dead man was not a burglar, but a hired killer. And the homeowner is the most famous missing child in NYPD history, believed kidnapped more than sixty years ago after the massacre of her entire family…by an ice pick. As Mallory investigates, an astonishing story emerges, one of murderous greed and family horror, abandonment and loss, revenge and twisted love–and a terrifying secret that has yet to claim its final victim.
Eminent Victorians
En Anglais – Eminent Victorians is a groundbreaking work of biography that raised the genre to the level of high art. It replaced reverence with skepticism and Strachey’s wit, iconoclasm, and narrative skill liberated the biographical enterprise. His portraits of Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Thomas Arnold, and General Gordon changed perceptions of the Victorians for a generation. Lytton Strachey’s biographical essays on four « eminent Victorians » dropped an explosive charge on Victorian England when the book was published in 1918.
No country for old men
En Anglais – In his blistering new novel, Cormac McCarthy returns to the Texas-Mexico border, setting of his famed Border Trilogy. The time is our own, when rustlers have given way to drug-runners and small towns have become free-fire zones. One day, Llewellyn Moss finds a pickup truck surrounded by a bodyguard of dead men. A load of heroin and two million dollars in cash are still in the back. When Moss takes the money, he sets off a chain reaction of catastrophic violence that not even the law–in the person of aging, disillusioned Sheriff Bell–can contain. As Moss tries to evade his pursuers–in particular a mysterious mastermind who flips coins for human lives–McCarthy simultaneously strips down the American crime novel and broadens its concerns to encompass themes as ancient as the Bible and as bloodily contemporary as this morning’s headlines. No Country for Old Men is a triumph.
The virgin and the fool
En Anglais – Ukraine! The name of the country means on the edge! Living there has always been
hard. Now it’s highly dangerous too. When ex-university lecturer Tom Fielding goes on the run with Clive Ponsonby of MI6 – the man who put him in Longfield Open Prison for eight years – he has only hours in which to save several lives. Ponsonby’s former agent, Nosarenko, is now President of the the Ukraine. He is determined to silence Tom. Why? Because he was the sole witness of a gruesome murder in the 1980s which could destroy his political career.
Clive Ponsonby wants the half-million dollars that went missing during Tom’s mission in Russia.
The shadow man
En Anglais – In Berlin in 1943, he was known and dreaded as Der Schattenmann–a merciless « catcher » of Jews for the Nazis. Few saw his face and lived. In present-day Miami Beach, he has resurfaced–to silence forever the survivors who remember. Unless retired homicide detective Simon Winter can find him first.
Terre des oublis
Alors qu’elle rentre d’une journée en forêt, Miên, une jeune femme vietnamienne, se heurte à un attroupement : l’homme qu’elle avait épousé quatorze ans auparavant et qu’on croyait mort en héros est revenu. Entre-temps Miên s’est remariée avec un riche propriétaire terrien, Hoan, qu’elle aime et avec qui elle a un enfant. Mais Bôn, le vétéran communiste, réclame sa femme. Sous la pression de la communauté, Miên retourne vivre avec son premier mari. Au fil d’une narration éblouissante, l’auteur plonge dans le passé de ces trois personnages, victimes d’une société pétrie de principes moraux et politiques, tout en évoquant avec bonheur la vie quotidienne de son pays, ses sons, ses odeurs, ses couleurs… Terre des oublis, roman de l’après-guerre du Viêt-Nam, est un livre magistral.
Sam’s letters to Jennifer
En Anglais – Grief-stricken by a recent tragedy, Jennifer returns to the resort village where she grew up to help her beloved grandmother. There, Jennifer will discover new meaning in life and experience not one, but two of the most amazing love stories ever.
Martha Quest
En Anglais – Intelligent, sensitive, and fiercely passionate, Martha Quest is a young woman living on a farm in Africa, feeling her way through the torments of adolescence and early womanhood. She is a romantic idealistic in revolt against the puritan snobbery of her parents, trying to live to the full with every nerve, emotion, and instinct laid bare to experience. For her, this is a time of solitary reading daydreams, dancing — and the first disturbing encounters with sex. The first of Doris Lessing’s timeless Children of Violence novels, Martha Quest is an endearing masterpiece.
Earthly powers
En Anglais – Anthony Burgess, author of A Clockwork Orange, is regarded as one of the most original and daring writers in the English language. His work is illuminated by a dazzling imagination, by a gift for character and plot, by a talent for surprise. In Earthly Powers Burgess created his masterpiece. At its center are two twentieth-century men who represent different kinds of power—Kenneth Toomey, eminent novelist, a man who has outlived his contemporaries to survive into honored, bitter, luxurious old age as a celebrity of dubious notoriety; and Don Carlo Campanati, a man of God, eventually beloved Pope, who rises through the Vatican as a shrewd manipulator to become the architect of church revolution and a candidate for sainthood. Through the lives of these two modern men Burgess explores the very essence of power. As each pursues his career—one to sainthood, one to wealthy exile—their relationship becomes the heart of a narrative that incorporates almost everyone of fame and distinction in the social, literary, and political life of America and Europe. This astonishing company is joined together by the art of a great novelist into an explosive and entertaining tour de force that will captivate fans of sweeping historic fiction.
Juliet, Naked
« Que fait-on lorsqu’on pense qu’on a gâché quinze ans de sa vie ? » C’est la question gênante que se posent tous les personnages du nouveau roman de Nick Hornby. Il y a Annie et Duncan, la quarantaine sonnante, dont le couple de quinze ans d’âge montre d’inquiétantes fissures. Rien d’étonnant, car à y regarder de près, on ne sait plus très bien pourquoi ils sont ensemble. Annie travaille au petit musée local de Gooleness, un job peu honorifique qui lui laisse assez de temps pour une visite hebdomadaire à son psy débutant… Mais le temps justement est devenu son pire ennemi …
En Anglais – Andrew Marshall has written an unforgettable adventure story, the wry account of two journeys into the untraveled heart of Burma. Part travelogue, part history, part reportage, The Trouser People recounts the story of George Scott, the eccentric British explorer, photographer, adventurer, and later Colonial Administrator of Burma, who introduced the Empire’s best game (soccer!) to Burmese natives and to the forbidden Wa state of headhunters, who were similarly enthusiastic about it. The second, contrasting journey is Marshall’s own, taking the same dangerous path one hundred years later in a country now devastated by colonial incompetence, war, and totalitarianism. Wonderfully observed, mordantly funny, and skillfully recounted, this is journalistic travel writing at its best.
En Anglais – « Provocative and delightfully discursive essays on natural history. . . . Gould is the Stan Musial of essay writing. He can work himself into a corkscrew of ideas and improbable allusions paragraph after paragraph and then, uncoiling, hit it with such power that his fans know they are experiencing the game of essay writing at its best. »–John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review
Batavia’s graveyard
En Anglais – In 1628 the Dutch East India Company loaded the Batavia, the flagship of its fleet, with a king’s ransom in gold, silver, and gems for her maiden voyage to Java; the ship itself was a tangible symbol of the world’s richest and most powerful monopoly. The company also sent along a new employee to guard its treasure. He was Jeronimus Corneliszoon, a disgraced and bankrupt man with great charisma and dangerously heretical ideas. With the help of a few disgruntled sailors, he hatched a plot to seize the ship and her riches. The mutiny might have succeeded, but in the dark morning hours of June 3, 1629, the Batavia smashed through a coral reef and ran aground on a small chain of islands near Australia. The captain and skipper escaped the wreck, and in a tiny lifeboat they set sail for Java—some 1,500 miles north—to summon help. More than 250 frightened survivors waded ashore, thankful to be alive. Unfortunately, Jeronimus and the mutineers had survived too, and the nightmare was only beginning.
Beautiful Thing
En Anglais – Sonia Faleiro was a reporter in search of a story when she met Leela, a beautiful and charismatic bar dancer with a story to tell. Leela introduced Sonia to the underworld of Bombay’s dance bars: a world of glamorous women, of fierce love, sex and violence, of customers and gangsters, of police, prostitutes and pimps. When an ambitious politician cashed in on a tide of false morality and had Bombay’s dance bars wiped out, Leela’s proud independence faced its greatest test. In a city where almost everyone is certain that someone, somewhere, is worse off than them, she fights to survive, and to win. Beautiful Thing, one of the most original works of non-fiction from India in years, is a vivid and intimate portrait of one reporter’s journey into the dark, pulsating and ultimately damaged soul of Bombay.
En Anglais – In the tradition of The Godfather, The Westies is a powerful tale spanning 60 years. A gang of Irish-Americans, the Westies patrolled Manhattan’s West Side throughout the ’60s, ’70s, and ’80s. They ruled the tough blue-collar neighborhood of Hell’s Kitchen, where bodies were known to literally fall from the sky.
Poster – See India Travel
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Poster – Holland Travel
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Poster – South America Travel
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Poster – Raceway Premium
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Poster – Gibraltar Travel
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An affair of sorcerers
En Anglais – Three apparently separate investigations involving the New York City occult underground of covens, warlocks, tarot readers, faith healers, and palm readers dovetail into a single, explosive climax.
Poster – New York Times Square
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Poster – Éléphants d’Afrique
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Poster – Plage et cocotiers 3
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Poster – Plage en Thaïlande
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Poster – Lagon
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Poster – Océan
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Poster – Plage et cocotiers 2
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Polar Star
En Anglais – In the long-awaited sequel to Gorky Park, Arkady Renko returns to Russia to work on the Polar Star, a huge fishing-factory ship. When a young girl is murdered, Renko is asked to investigate . . . and enters a case as chilling and gripping as his previous adventure.
Arènes Sénégalaises – Livre neuf
Livre bilingue français/anglais – Matar Ndour, photographe, montre ici les diverses facettes, aussi bien sportives que folkloriques, mystiques et populaires, qui se font jour dans un stade lors des grands combats.
Simb – Livre neuf
Dans ce livre de photographies, Laurent Gudin retrace les différentes vies du Simbkat, de son antre où il se pare des attributs du fauve, à son terrain de chasse-exhibition où il terrifie et fascine tout à la fois.
Le divorce expliqué à nos enfants
Pourquoi divorce-t-on si souvent aujourd’hui ? Comment peut-on se séparer, et quelquefois se détester, lorsqu’on a tout partagé au point de concevoir ensemble des enfants ? Les questions des adolescents sur le divorce laissent en général les adultes sans voix tant elles sont directes. Pour eux, comme pour les adultes, la rupture représente une épreuve dont il ne se sert à rien de minimiser les effets. Ne sont-ils pas les premiers concernés par les déménagements, les changements d’école ou l’apprentissage d’une nouvelle organisation familiale, souvent contraignante ? Comment leur donner les moyens de se construire en confiance, sans rien renier de leur histoire personnelle, entre deux maisons et deux univers différents ? A partir d’exemples vécus, les auteurs s’attachent à dédramatiser une situation douloureuse et à dégager les repères dont tout enfant a besoin lorsque ses parents se séparent.
Mal de pierres
Au centre, l’héroïne: jeune Sarde étrange « aux longs cheveux noirs et aux yeux immenses ». Toujours en décalage, toujours à contretemps, toujours à côté de sa propre vie… A l’arrière-plan, les personnages secondaires, peints avec une touche d’une extraordinaire finesse: le mari, épousé par raison pendant la Seconde Guerre, sensuel taciturne à jamais mal connu; le Rescapé, brève rencontre sur le Continent, à l’empreinte indélébile; le fils, inespéré, et futur pianiste; enfin, la petite-fille, narratrice de cette histoire, la seule qui permettra à l’héroïne de se révéler dans sa vérité. Mais sait-on jamais tout de quelqu’un, aussi proche soit-il…
A crime so monstrous
En Anglais – To be a moral witness is perhaps the highest calling of journalism, and in this unforgettable, highly readable account of contemporary slavery, author Benjamin Skinner travels around the globe to personally tell stories that need to be told — and heard. As Samantha Power and Philip Gourevitch did for genocide, Skinner has now done for modern-day slavery. With years of reporting in such places as Haiti, Sudan, India, Eastern Europe, The Netherlands, and, yes, even suburban America, he has produced a vivid testament and moving reportage on one of the great evils of our time. There are more slaves in the world today than at any time in history. After spending four years visiting a dozen countries where slavery flourishes, Skinner tells the story, in gripping narrative style, of individuals who live in slavery, those who have escaped from bondage, those who own or traffic in slaves, and the mixed political motives of those who seek to combat the crime. Skinner infiltrates trafficking networks and slave sales on five continents, exposing a modern flesh trade never before portrayed in such proximity. From mega-harems in Dubai to illicit brothels in Bucharest, from slave quarries in India to child markets in Haiti, he explores the underside of a world we scarcely recognize as our own and lays bare a parallel universe where human beings are bought, sold, used, and discarded. He travels from the White House to war zones and immerses us in the political and flesh-and-blood battles on the front lines of the unheralded new abolitionist movement.
Du crime au bourreau
Les meurtres se succèdent à Daybreak, petit bourg d’Australie-Occidentale. Mais comment trouver le coupable sans mobile apparent ni preuve convaincante ? La police, bredouille, appelle l’inspecteur Napoléon Bonaparte à la rescousse. Homme à tout faire, barman, dresseur de chevaux… Bony n’aura jamais autant travaillé. Mais il n’oubliera pas son enquête et, patiemment, comme un chat guette une souris, il attendra que l’assassin commette une erreur. A l’opposé des détectives occidentaux, qui trouvent leurs marques au cœur des villes, Napoléon Bonaparte, lui, déchiffre ce qu’il appelle le « livre de la brousse ».
Poster – Ponton en bord de mer
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Poster – Transats sur la plage
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En Anglais – ‘Homecomings’ is the seventh in the ‘Strangers and Brothers’ series and sequel to ‘Time of Hope’. This complete story in its own right follows Lewis Eliot’s life through World War II. After his first wife’s death his work at the Ministry assumes a larger role. It is not until his second marriage that Eliot is able to commit himself emotionally.
Poster – Tron
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