True Tales of American life
En Anglais – Chosen by Paul Auster out of the four thousand stories submitted to his radio programme on National Public Radio, these 180 stories provide a wonderful portrait of America in the twentieth century. The requirement for selection was that each of the stories should be true, and each of the writers should not have been previously published. The collection that has emerged provides a richly varied and authentic voice for the American people, whose lives, loves, griefs, regrets, joys and sense of humour are vividly and honestly recounted throughout, and adeptly organised by Auster into themed sections. The section composed of war stories stretches as far back as the Civil War, still the defining moment in American history; while the sequence of ‘Meditations’ conclude the volume with a true and abiding sense of transcendence … The resultant anthology is both an enduring hymn to the strange everyday of contemporary American life and a masterclass in the art of storytelling.
En Anglais – In this powerful new biography, Aengus Finucane: In the Heart of Concern, the result of over 80 interviews and extensive travel, Deirdre Purcell explores the life and work of Concern founder Father Aengus Finucane. She charts the work he did to build Concern into the global charity and vital player in relief efforts around the world that it is today. A charismatic humanitarian visionary, he travelled the world to go to the aid of the poorest of the poor, whilst helping to turn the small charity into an international phenomenon. In many ways the most humane of priests, Aengus sought to address its root causes. The charitable work of Concern, under his leadership and influence, was not limited to responding with aid to emergencies as they arose; it also involved development, creating meaningful, long-lasting and positive change.
Gomorrah, Italy’s other Mafia
En Anglais – A groundbreaking major bestseller in Italy, Gomorrah is Roberto Saviano’s gripping nonfiction account of the decline of Naples under the rule of the Camorra, an organized crime network with a large international reach and stakes in construction, high fashion, illicit drugs, and toxic-waste disposal. Known by insiders as « the System, » the Camorra affects cities and villages along the Neapolitan coast, and is the deciding factor in why Campania, for instance, has the highest murder rate in all of Europe and whycancer levels there have skyrocketed in recent years . Saviano tells of huge cargoes of Chinese goods that are shipped to Naples and then quickly distributed unchecked across Europe. He investigates the Camorra’s control of thousands of Chinese factories contracted to manufacture fashion goods, legally and illegally, for distribution around the world, and relates the chilling details of how the abusive handling of toxic waste is causing devastating pollution not only for Naples but also China and Somalia. In pursuit of his subject, Saviano worked as an assistant at a Chinese textile manufacturer, a waiter at a Camorra wedding, and on a construction site. A native of the region, he recalls seeing his first murder at the age of fourteen, and how his own father, a doctor, suffered a brutal beating for trying to aid an eighteen-year-old victim who had been left for dead in the street .. Gomorrah is a bold and important work of investigative writing that holds global significance, one heroic young man’s impassioned story of a place under the rule of a murderous organization.
The life and death of Lord Erroll
En Anglais – The true story of the life and mysterious murder of the most talked-about and glamorous member of Kenya’s notorious Happy Valley set. Since Josslyn Hay, 22nd Earl of Erroll, was discovered dead in his car with a bullet through his head just outside Nairobi in 1941, speculation has not ceased as to the culprit and motive for his murder. The authorities seemed satisfied with the highly sensationalized trial of the only suspect, Jock Broughton, the cuckolded husband of Erroll’s last lover, Diana. A not-guilty verdict was returned after a baffling display of confusing evidence and clumsy police work. Trzebinski, who has lived in Kenya for 30 years, was not satisfied with the conflicting gossip on the case, none of whose evidence adds up, including that of the celebrated « White Mischief » by James Fox. In this evocation of a glamorous, decadent and sinister life, Trzebinski uses her biographer’s skill to unlock the mystique surrounding the man, and the mystery enveloping his death. Her investigations lead her to astonishing conclusions about the true motive for his murder and a conspiracy of confusion that finds its source in Whitehall’s War Office.
La griffe du mal
Le sergent de police Melanie May mène un travail de routine dans une paisible banlieue de Charlotte, Caroline du Nord. Jusqu’au jour où les morts suspecte se multiplient dans sa circonscription. A quelques jours d’intervalle, un allergique est piqué par des abeilles enfermées dans sa voiture. Un toxicomane s’injecte une dose mortelle de drogue trop pure. Un malade du cœur se trompe dans le dosage de son médicament… Banals accidents ? Le sergent May est persuadée que non : chacune de ces morts porte, selon elle, la griffe d’un même assassin. Un tueur qui élimine systématiquement des hommes connus pour leur violence envers les femmes… Avec l’aide de Connor Parks, un profileur du FBI, Melanie va s’efforcer de faire surgir du néant le visage de ce justicier assassin. Sans savoir où l’entraîne la terrifiante vérité…
La chirurgie esthétique et plastique
La médecine esthétique est un ensemble d’actes médicaux visant à améliorer l’apparence physique d’une personne ainsi qu’à diminuer et retarder les effets du vieillissement. Le médecin esthétique prend en charge le patient dans sa globalité. Face aux lourds investissements matériels, les médecins peuvent se regrouper sur des plateaux techniques dans lesquels les équipements, notamment les lasers, sont partagés entre médecins.
La forêt des ombres
Paris, hiver 2006. Arthur Doffre, milliardaire énigmatique, est sur le point de réaliser un rêve vieux de vingt-cinq ans: ressusciter un tueur en série, le Bourreau 125, dans un livre. Un thriller que David Miller, embaumeur de profession et auteur d’un premier roman remarqué, a un mois pour écrire contre une forte somme d’argent. Reclus dans un chalet en pleine Forêt-Noire, accompagné de sa femme et de sa fille, de Doffre et de sa jeune compagne, David se met aussitôt au travail. Mais il est des fantômes que l’on ne doit pas rappeler, et la psychose saisit un à un tous les occupants de la ténébreuse demeure cernée par la neige…
Dans plusieurs pays musulmans, le statut juridique des femmes dans le droit de la famille fait débat. Ainsi, les Etats, premiers responsables de l’élaboration des lois, se retrouvent devant un défi de taille en tentant à la fois d’intégrer les normes internationales d’égalité entre les sexes et de respecter les prescriptions islamiques. De plus, ils voient leur autorité contestée par les acteurs religieux qui considèrent que le droit de la famille, traditionnellement régi par les normes coutumières et religieuses, est sacré, et qu’il n’a donc pas à être réformé. La comparaison entre deux pays où la religion musulmane est majoritaire – le Sénégal, une république laïque, et le Maroc, une monarchie où elle est religion d’Etat – montre la diversité des islams et de la charia, mais ne s’y attarde pas uniquement. Elle met également en lumière la progression des luttes féministes, menées sur plusieurs fronts, et l’importance des capacités et des sources de légitimité de l’Etat pour mener à bien la réforme.
Marième N’Diaye est chercheure postdoctorale à l’Université de Montréal, docteure en science politique de l’Institut d’études politiques de Bordeaux, chercheure associée au laboratoire Les Afriques dans le monde (LAM) et chargée de recherche au CNRS.
Voyages en absurdie – Chroniques
Stéphane De Groodt est un adepte du jeu de mots et du calembour, s’inscrivant dans la ligne de Raymond Devos. Dans ses chroniques sur RTL (« A la bonne heure »), il présente un courrier imaginaire des auditeurs, sur un ton burlesques et décalé. Par exemple : « Je m’appelle Martine. J’ai 82 ans et deux caniches, en plus d’avoir Alzheimer et deux caniches. Mais j’ai encore une excellente mémoire pour une femme de 2 ans qui doit s’occuper de 82 caniches. ». Sur Canal + (« Le Supplément »), il narre sa rencontre fictive avec une célébrité (Nicolas Sarkozy, Michel Denisot, Kim Jong-un.), sur un mode surréaliste. Stéphane De Groodt est un acteur et humoriste belge. Il a notamment joué dans la série « Mes amis, mes amours, mes emmerdes » sur TF1 et a repris au théâtre à Bruxelles le rôle de Patrick Bruel dans « Le Prénom ». Il a présenté une chronique dans « La Matinale » de Canal + puis dans « A la bonne heure » sur RTL et dans « Le Supplément » sur Canal +.
Poster – Gandhi (Vivre)
The money-changers
En Anglais – The « New York Times » Number One bestseller from 1976 is back in this great new package. As the day begins at First Mercantile American Bank, so do the high-stake risks, the public scandals, and the private affairs. It is the inside world where secret million-dollar deals are made, manipulated, and sweetened with sex by the men and women who play to win.
Poster – Martin Luther King (1963)
Poster – Martin Luther King (1964)
Poster – Che Guevara (Sierra Maestra, 1958)
Poster – Che Guevara (1960)
Poster – Osaka Shosen Kaisha (1921)
Comptez jusqu’à 72h maximum (hors week-end)
Cliquez en bas de l’image pour l’agrandir
Poster – Mickey Mouse (1928)
Poster – Italian Lakes (1930)
Comptez jusqu’à 72h maximum (hors week-end)
Comptez jusqu’à 72h maximum (hors week-end)
Poster – Bequia Beach Hotel
Poster – Charlie Chaplin – The Tango Tangle
Poster – Côte d’Azur Travel
Poster – Les Alpes Travel
Poster – Surry Hills Travel
Poster – Japan Airways Travel
Poster – Mers du Sud Travel
Poster – Cattolica Adriatique Travel
Poster – Tanger Travel
Poster – Baleares Travel
Poster – Japon Travel
Poster – Sanremo Travel
Poster – Riviera Italienne Travel
Poster – Pyramides d’Egypte Travel
Poster – Manhattan Travel
Poster – Air France Afrique du Nord Travel
Poster – Royal Mail Atlantis Travel
Poster – Annecy Travel
Poster – Air France London Travel
Poster – Saint-Tropez Travel
Poster – Bretagne Travel
Collected Stories
En Anglais – Following the historic publication of Norton’s The Complete Works of Isaac Babel in the fall of 2001, The Collected Stories of Isaac Babel appears as the most authoritative and complete edition of his fiction ever published in paperback. Babel was best known for his mastery of the short story form—in which he ranks alongside Kafka and Hemingway—but his career was tragically cut short when he was murdered by Stalin’s secret police. Edited by his daughter Nathalie Babel and translated by award-winner Peter Constantine, this paperback edition includes the stunning Red Cavalry Stories; The Odessa Tales, featuring the legendary gangster Benya Krik; and the tragic later stories, including « Guy de Maupassant. » This will be the standard edition of Babel’s stories for years to come.
Teacher man
En Anglais – Nearly a decade ago Frank McCourt became an unlikely star when, at the age of sixty-six, he burst onto the literary scene with Angela’s Ashes, the Pulitzer Prize-winning memoir of his childhood in Limerick, Ireland. Then came ‘Tis, his glorious account of his early years in New York. Now, here at last, is McCourt’s long-awaited book about how his thirty-year teaching career shaped his second act as a writer. Teacher Man is also an urgent tribute to teachers everywhere. In bold and spirited prose featuring his irreverent wit and heartbreaking honesty, McCourt records the trials, triumphs and surprises he faces in public high schools around New York City. His methods anything but conventional, McCourt creates a lasting impact on his students through imaginative assignments (he instructs one class to write « An Excuse Note from Adam or Eve to God »), singalongs (featuring recipe ingredients as lyrics), and field trips (imagine taking twenty-nine rowdy girls to a movie in Times Square!). McCourt struggles to find his way in the classroom and spends his evenings drinking with writers and dreaming of one day putting his own story to paper. Teacher Man shows McCourt developing his unparalleled ability to tell a great story as, five days a week, five periods per day, he works to gain the attention and respect of unruly, hormonally charged or indifferent adolescents. McCourt’s rocky marriage, his failed attempt to get a Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin, and his repeated firings due to his propensity to talk back to his superiors ironically lead him to New York’s most prestigious school, Stuyvesant High School, where he finally finds a place and a voice. « Doggedness, » he says, is « not as glamorous as ambition or talent or intellect or charm, but still the one thing that got me through the days and nights. »
The shipping news
En Anglais When Quoyle’s two-timing wife meets her just deserts, he retreats with his two daughters to his ancestral home on the starkly beautiful Newfoundland coast, where a rich cast of local characters and family members all play a part in Quoyle’s struggle to reclaim his life. As Quoyle confronts his private demons–and the unpredictable forces of nature and society–he begins to see the possibility of love without pain or misery. A vigorous, darkly comic, and at times magical portrait of the contemporary North American family, The Shipping News shows why Annie Proulx is recognized as one of the most gifted and original writers in America today.
Le 8 décembre 1991, Paula, une jeune femme de vingt-neuf ans, atteinte d'une grave maladie, sombre dans le coma. Elle mourra un an plus tard. Pendant les jours de détresse consacrés à la veiller, sa mère – Isabel Allende – entreprend de lui adresser par écrit un long récit : l'histoire des siens. Au gré des souvenirs revit le Chili du président Allende, en état de quasi-guerre civile jusqu'à la tragédie de 1973. Puis vient le temps de l'exil et de la création littéraire. Mais à travers le témoignage, l'histoire, la confidence, ce livre nous conte avant tout la lutte désespérée, bouleversante, d'une mère contre le temps qui passe et emporte chaque jour un peu plus son enfant.
Funeral in Berlin
En Anglais – FUNERAL IN BERLIN is a spellbinding tale of espionage and its counter in which double and triple crosses are common. Berlin with its infamous wall symbolized the Cold War as did no other place. It was like theatre, but is war for real. « Len Deighton has always been fascinated with the Cold War in a way that could be called scholarly…one always feels that the intricacies of espionage and of the Soviet Union’s spy apparatus rest on serious research. And he writes with effortless mastery. » (The Wall Street Journal). « A most impressive book, a chronicle of our times, in which the tension, more like a chronic ache than a stab of pain, never lets go. » (The London Evening Standard)
The Guts
En Anglais – The man who invented the Commitments back in the eighties is now forty-seven, with a loving wife, four kids … and bowel cancer. He isn’t dying, he thinks, but he might be. Jimmy still loves his music, and he still loves to hustle – his new thing is finding old bands and then finding the people who loved them enough to pay money for their resurrected singles and albums. On his path through Dublin he meets two of the Commitments – Outspan, whose own illness is probably terminal, and Imelda Quirk, still as gorgeous as ever. He is reunited with his long-lost brother and learns to play the trumpet… This warm, funny novel is about friendship and family, about facing death and opting for life. It climaxes in one of the great passages in Roddy Doyle’s fiction: four middle-aged men at Ireland’s hottest rock festival watching Jimmy’s son Marvin’s band Moanin’ At Midnight pretending to be Bulgarian and playing a song called ‘I’m Going to Hell’ that apparently hasn’t been heard since 1932…